You Are About To Discover the Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Losing Waist Sizes and Keeping Your Waistline Where You Want It

HINT: It's Not That You Don't Have Discipline...

Sakani D'Angeles

The IFAST Coach

Why listen to me?I found a way, through a unique intermittent fasting method I call IFAST to burn body fat, keep my waist 33.5 inches or lower consistently for every year since 1995, even while very busy, without sacrificing delicious foods or hurting myself in the process.

Born in the Philippines. Raised in South Texas. College at St. John's (NYC). Traveled outside of America. Returned, forgot English. Had to re-learn. Relationships were destroyed. Studied. Practiced. Now better at clear communication. Started coaching English to busy professionals and entrepreneurs in 2016 and loved it. Realized I enjoy coaching busy people so started an experiment to teach what I have learned about another passion: intermittent fasting.

I thought, "this worked for me but what about for women?" So I asked Mrs. Ana Roberts, a family friend who was also
my Mother's physical therapist after her left knee replacement surgery in 2016 to try my IFAST intermittent fasting
program. She lost 12 pounds in 38 days said this below on the left... and a English client of mine who is a Captain in the Polish Army and
he said on the right:

I have been to 44 states in America, driven over 500,000 miles in a car and truck between 2006 and 2012 and intermittent fasted as well as worked out at the same time. There are many mistakes I have done, seen, heard and read about. I list over 20 in the books below on intermittent fasting. I believe in showing people I can help them by helping. Here are some mistakes I have seen, read, and heard busy professionals and entrepreneurs make while using intermittent fasting.

1. A big complaint of people who are fasting for the first time or even after some time is headaches after eating their first meal. One of the biggest reasons people get headaches is because they are mixing meal methods. What I mean is this: A high protein low carb diet does help lower body fat. This has been known since the 1960’s. For the purposes of fasting it is NOT a good first meal.Mistake 1: Eating a high protein / low carb first meal.High protein / low carb meals are good. With fasting from sleep until our first meal our body, as you know, has been using the glucose left in our bodies and body fat from waking up until our first meal as fuel. Eating a high protein / low carb meal as the first meal does not fill the “tank”. It does not replace the energy, the glucose, it does not give the body energy.IFAST TIP: FILL THE TANKPREPARE 2–3 SERVINGS OF GOOD CARBS AND VEGGIES… NO PROTEIN(PREPARE 2–3 Servings and eat what you feel like eating. It’s better to be prepared.)

2. Hydration is good for the body. Electrolyte imbalances and low blood pressure, which can be life threatening can happen if you do not pay attention to your hydration. “The №1 causeof midday fatigue is dehydration,” said Dr. Kendra Frazier, senior medical director at Oak Street Health, Chicago, IL. “Every day at 2 o’clock, this happens to me. I work in a clinic all day seeing patients, so my boss said, ‘Every time you feel that way, drink a full glass of water.’ You have more energy when you drink water throughout the day. It also helps with concentration and short-term memory.”Mistake 2: Not hydrating enough.IFAST TIP: Hydrate w: WATER, MINERAL WATER SAN PELLEGRINO, PERRIER, EVIAN, FIJI, WATER. (Consider Pedialyte also.) Pro-tip? Don’t forget hydrating with milk. People who live in the deserts of the world milk goats and sheep for a reason. And they ARE RARELY DEHYDRATED.

3. The mind is a wonderful thing. Many soldiers and high level sports athletes from all over the world talk about the mind’s power over the body. When fasting, those last couple of hours can be challenging for the person that is new to it. Irritation, hunger pains, etc.Mistake 3: Letting the mind focus on the fast.Back to the mind… It is common to us all that if we get busy with something like a game, a hobby, something where our mind is occupied, time goes by fast. So… IFAST TIP: if you find it challenging in the last couple of hours: get busy playing a game, something that you know will occupy your mind and make the time go by faster. If you practice the tips in this little book the last couple of hours should become less and less challenging.

4. FIRST MEAL? Eat a carb and veggie meal first. Brown, jasmine, wild, white rice, black, etc. Rice in general with veggies are a powerful first meal. You should feel light, full of energy and you should NOT FEEL FULL/BLOATED. At this point if you have stopped eating at 8p/9p/10p the night before and you are having your first meal at 12p/1p or 2p then you should be hungry. You ate your first meal. The young man I started my fasting coaching with ate his first meal around 1pm and then did not eat again until 8pm. Then he ate a lot. This is binge eating and counter productive.Mistake 4: Waiting more than 3 hours to eat again.IFAST TIP: If you are still hungry then eat more of the same. Eat more carbs and veggies. (Quinoa, Rice, Potatoes, etc.) No protein just yet. We want to keep your energy high. Proteins take about 3 hours to digest. That slow digestion can slow you down a little bit. Another plate of carbs/veggies should balance out your energy. One way to avoid missing a meal is to make your first meal x 2. Make enough to eat 2 big plates of carbs and veggies and put it away. You can even set an alarm on your phone to ring in 3 hours. If you get busy the alarm
will remind you.

5. My Mother went to China in the 90’s. She noticed that they ate a heavy lunch and light dinner. In the late 90’s I traveled through some areas of the middle east. The people were thin but healthy. It would be easy to say that they were thin because of poverty. Not true. In fact, they ate very, very healthy. I only saw one overweight child. He was overweight because his parents were wealthy and spoiled him.Mistake 5: Eating a lot of carbs after sunset.Americans know a large amount of Americans eat ALOT of carbs after sunset. I am American and I only remember big, big meals for dinner growing up. Bad part about this is that many of these big meals are full of a lot of carbs.IFAST TIP: Experiment with this: Eat all of your carbs like rice, pasta, quinoa bread, etc. before 7pm. What you should notice is your body feeling energized. Your body works better during the day energized by the foods which take less than an hour to digest. If you are working overnight then ignore this advice.

IFAST SAMPLE DAYAs you may know, there are many “fasting windows” practiced by many people. For the beginner I have seen, read, heard and even done what I believe is one of the easiest windows:Skipping Breakfast and eating the first meal at 12pm.Here’s how it’s done:Stop eating at 8pm the night before your day of IFASTing.Drink water/mineral water before bed.Wake up.Eat nothing.Drink water/mineral water & black coffee with no sweet additives like: sugar, agave, etc.(Adding butter or coconut oil is okay because it still helps the body burn body fat as fuel.)Eat the first meal of 2–3 servings of good carbs and vegetables NO PROTEIN.Eat remaining meals responsibly until 8pm.Record in audio, written or video your results.Important knowledge to record:How was your physical energy?How was your mental energy?How did you sleep?

Are there some busy people who are not happy with where their waistlines are now?

They simply have the wrong method to make them satisfied... and consistent.


12 Weeks: $2400

Burn 4 Dress Sizes or More in 12 Weeks or Less without hurting yourself in the process with the IFAST ACCELERATOR with my live one-one support. Weekly pay available.Not for everyone.If you are serious, open minded and have tried intermittent fasting before even if that means you skipped a meal then
contact me below to set up a 30 minute application video chat.
Type: "O-O Application" in the message box. Limited Spots available.


12 Weeks: $1200

Burn 4 Dress Sizes or More in 12 Weeks or Less without hurting yourself in the process with the IFAST ACCELERATOR with my live support with your small group.Not for everyone. Your small group must be at least 10 people including yourself. $1200 per person. Weekly pay available.If you are serious, open minded and have tried intermittent fasting before even if that means you skipped a meal then
contact me below to set up a 30 minute application video chat.
Type: "SMG Application" in the message box. Limited Spots available.



The IFAST Coach

The fact that many weight loss programs are designed for the short term makes me upset. A lot of busy professionals and entrepreneurs don't know how to break free from this cycle. I want to teach them how to achieve lasting fat loss with intermittent fasting.As you know, most diet plans and supplements often promise quick fixes but fail to deliver sustainable results. They often conceal their ineffectiveness behind clever marketing so I decided to take matters into my own hands and teach my way of intermittent fasting: IFAST.I believe in real food without added chemicals and simple fasting methods without difficulty for life.IFAST intermittent fasting is healthy, safe and great for life.

“I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency.”

Sakani D’Angeles . 424-254-9881 Office
[email protected]
Correspondence:Sakani D’Angeles c/o Monique Diaz Law Firm, PLLC / A.H. / P.O. Box 12037
San Antonio, TX 78212

Sakani D’Angeles © 2024